The marriage life of Deap Vally

Being in a band is like being in a marriage: sometimes it’s magical, sometimes it’s unbearably challenging. To reinvigorate that marriage, Deap Vally have made their third album.

David Newton with a refreshing new take on 80’s post punk

With “A gateway to a lifetime of disappointment” David Newton & Thee Mighty Angels continues on from the earlier sound of his repertoire. His debut album is a contemporary take on the melodic uplifting side of the 80’s post punk sound.

From the Beat Scientist Makaya McCraven

Makaya Mc Graven

The new album “Universal Beings E&F Sides” is an addendum to Makaya McCraven’s critically-acclaimed 2018 release “Universal Beings.” It presents 14 new pieces of organic beat music cut from the original sessions.

Into new territories of dynamics: METZ

“Change is inevitable if you’re lucky,” says guitarist/vocalist Alex Edkins while talking about “Atlas Vending”, the fourth full-length album by Toronto’s METZ.

Not to judge: Music on Bandcamp that makes you wonder why?

One of the wonderful things about Bandcamp is that there are no filters or qualifications. Everybody can put everything on this music platform and anything goes. An interesting side effect is that there is a lot of music going on that can only makes you wonder why? What was the reason to share this with […]