Next month worlds’ biggest showcase festival is back again: South by South West in Texas, USA. It’s the festival that celebrates the convergence of the interactive, film and music industries. We love to introduce to you some of the interesting acts that caught our attention. This time: WOW

WOW can be considered as a reminder, if any needed, of the incredible tableau of music, cinema, experimentation, poetry and craft the ‘bel paese’ generated day in an out for years. Based in Rome and centered around the creative partnership of China Wow and Leo Non, WOW have been writing beautiful songs for years, assimilating and embodying the uncompromising spirit of their Pigneto neighborhood, the visual mesmerization and flickering lights of early Cinecittà, the ramshackle purity of rock’n’roll and primitive punk and the undeniable glory of the Italian 60’s canzone, where dream voices such as Mina and Patty Pravo were supported by otherworldly musicianship that could bring the listener to its feet with a single drum-roll.
WOW’s fifth album ‘Come La Notte’ (literally ‘Like Night’) is rooted in trying to figure out these questions, can night living keep protecting us? Is this where we can breathe fresh air and find our place in society?

The best/ The worst of creating music
“The good thing is to go on tour and play your music, knowing new people, find new bands and music. The worst, I don’t know, it’s probably all the bureaucracy you have to do to be a ‘professional’, I guess. So we try to do less of that, and being more amateur than professional (the origin of the word amateur, it’s ‘amore’: love, somebody who does something out of love. So we try to do the things we do with love, more than with a ‘professional attitude’)”
The hardest thing to explain about your life as a musician
“It’s hard to say out loud ‘I’m a musician’ because it’s hard to consider it a job, I mean a real one. But, I think, that’s also the beauty of it: the fact that you’re not sure about your position keeps you searching for a meaning in the things we try to do.”

SXSW & Expectations
“It’s better to expect nothing at all from anything! You’d eventually be surprised by it, but never disappointed, hahaha. SXSW for us is a great opportunity to come to play in the States, it’s the first time for me, there’s that! “
“We love and support Qlowsky, Big Mountain County (we live in the same neighborhood here in Rome!), but all the italian acts we had the chance to listen to are really good!”
WOW at SXSW -> information here
WOW music -> here