Stay Tuned! PsySo Session release 18/11!

Quirky soulmates challenging you to face your true self through psych indie rock music. Stay tuned for the session with PsySo releasing next Monday, 18/11!
The Popronde 2019 line up. Out now!

Last week Popronde announced their selection at radio show 3voor12. Popronde is one of the biggest showcase festivals, traveling through 41 towns/cities with 146 bands. The selection is a wide variety of music genres. But the musicians have at least 2 common characteristics: they are very talented and ready to rock every stage in The […]

A band, an art project and game developing studio: Moon Moon Moon

Moon Moon Moon is the art project of Mark Lohmann, which currently explores the tragicomic bits of everyday life with the relentlessly honest, topical and hyperrealistic Journal Entries. Moon Moon Moon turns into a five-piece live band on stage, using their captivating melodies to bring the compelling lyrics to life. Right now the band is […]
Popronde Preview: Mixing dark synths with post-punk influences, Silent Runners

Silent Runners made a name for themselves with energetic shows that are both compelling and strangely hypnotizing. Minimalist guitars, deep bass riffs and steady drum beats, all topped with classic synths and vocals soaked in reverb. Silent Runners released their debut album “The Directory” in december 2017. Popronde shows so far: Eindhoven: 28 sept – […]
Grim Tim

Join Morado in a journey through trippy woods called ‘The Forest’. New EP release & some summer tour dates

Last month we joined MORADO in their tourbus to talk about their favourite songs and inspirations. During the interview they announced the release of their first EP on June the 1st. Join Morado in a journey through trippy woods called “The Forest”. The Forest out now: Spotify: Apple Music: Deezer: ….. […]
Jangly guitars, dreamy tunes and catchy beats with Dakota

Alternative indie/pop band Dakota dropped by for one of our sessions at Podium Gigant. Expect jangly guitars, dreamy tunes and catchy beats on Wednesday 16/5!
The brand new Popronde 2018 selection: fresh & diverse

This week Popronde 2018 announced their selection at radio show 3voor12. The selection is a wide variety of music genres. But the musicians have at least 2 common characteristics: they are very talented and ready to rock every stage in The Netherlands. We are very happy to see that 2 of our personal favourites made […]
Dr. Meraki

Jazz/fusion, soul, funk