“Music has always been where I go to express myself when I couldn’t any other way.”

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“Pure” and “authentic” are words that are used to soon, to often these days. But that’s not the case with “Music Saved Me”. In a little house somewhere in the Florida Country singer songwriter Jennifer Msumba created a debut album which is distinguished by its simplicity and authenticity.

“My songs reflect the things that I have gone through as someone on the autism spectrum. And some of it is just fun. Music has always been where I go to express myself when I couldn’t any other way. I think we all are connected through our emotions even if our experiences are very different. I hope my music finds its way to those who need it.”

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About Music Saved Me: “This is my debut album, recorded in my little house in the Florida country. I believe what it lacks in flashiness, it makes up for with heart. I hope you enjoy.”

Listen & order “Music Saved Me” here

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