The 60s/70s vibe America needs right now: Weird Bloom at SXSW

The band perfectly captures the ‘60s and ‘70s vibe—something that, especially in America, feels more relevant and needed than ever right now.
This year at SXSW a band of contrasts: Library Card

Expressive yet thoughtful, abrasive yet melodious: Rotterdam’s Library Card are a band of contrasts. This is reflected in the group’s structure, the band being a tight-knit unit of four entirely different characters.
Mauskovic Dance Band on SXSW 23

The family that plays together stays together, as the old saying goes, and the Mauskovic Dance Band play like they’re in each other’s pockets 24/7. The band will be one of the Dutch acts at SXSW.
The marriage life of Deap Vally

Being in a band is like being in a marriage: sometimes it’s magical, sometimes it’s unbearably challenging. To reinvigorate that marriage, Deap Vally have made their third album.
Jay-Way: redefining hip-hop at SXSW

Hip-hop artist Jay-Way will represent The Netherlands at showcase festival SXSW this week. With his music, Jay-Way brings a broad, boundary-breaking perspective to the genre.
The dazzling and explosive 드링킹소년소녀합창단 – Drinking Boys & Girls Choir

March 13 starts worlds’ biggest showcase festival again: South by South West in Texas, USA. It’s the festival that celebrates the convergence of the interactive, film and music industries. We love to introduce to you some of the interesting acts that caught our attention. This time: Drinking Boys and Girls Choir!
SXSW Recommended: WOW

Next month worlds’ biggest showcase festival is back again: South by South West in Texas, USA. It’s the festival that celebrates the convergence of the interactive, film and music industries. We love to introduce to you some of the interesting acts that caught our attention.
New music from The Ghost Wolves!

Blending rock n’ roll, punk rock, garage and blues with electronic elements, the duo Carley “Carazy” Wolf & Jonathan “Little Hammer”, Wolf has earned a reputation as one of the hardest working bands in the modern rock n’ roll underground.
Raw decadence: St Tropez live in Gigant & at SXSW

Intense, raw with some trashy decadence: the music of St Tropez is difficult to define in a few words. The band is not new, their sound and name are. Go Back to the Zoo was a successful pop rock band when they decided it was time for something different. St Tropez became the new name, […]